Thursday, October 14, 2010

Since most beautiful song little green road to listen

Since most beautiful song little green road to listen, great feeling! .39. from supermarkets, restaurants or street loudspeaker came out shaking your eardrums ~ .40. ru, Hui ta chest oath sun flower ga Saki heart , day , like session can replace, chest of brilliant smile will turn into into tomorrow's light, into the sky, the sun), it is like to phrase the lyrics ~ .Hidden valley of their mother .
mm W by combining When our pop music from the fashion closer, farther and farther away from the heart; when love music and Moncler the narrow secular entanglement .nearer and nearer, and the true perception of life farther and farther away; when the din of earthly the soul has been lost as dust-like floating; black .eagle fly with us at ease and find peace of mind back to where Kuangyuan hh .in Rock River. jitter strong feather arms, raised black .Phi carpet color, you are born a hawk! to the bustling city .tap the emotional elements of the common man, singing love, sorrow and homes. into the allocation of world music, through .time and space, and the heart ran into some of the softest pure. .The past lives and this life, singing the disappearance of the green mountains and .soul search, revealers of secrets hidden in southern China that the mysterious ancient ethnic feelings. .this hot summer, to bring like-minded friends, feel the essence of folk music and Reggae .

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