Thursday, November 11, 2010

Lin Ye Yin Ya gets the giggle ringing

Yisheng unfinished, grab Hua Yue Yang Zhiming said: "Lin police officers, in accordance with the law, the parties denies all the evidence, revoke all proceedings, the

case would not set up ... ... Then again, Lin You just police officers, not a judge, Moreover, we here in addition to your Other people can not see ... ... "waiting

for Lin Ye, said:" Why sue me? Do you think your side of the story? "

Lin Ye Yin Ya gets the giggle ringing, holding two fists tightly, staring Yang Zhiming whole body shaking, unable to speak a word.

"Forest officer?" Grabbed oriole, chuckle watching pork yellow, facing the forest leaves made a requested position, highspirited and said: "Call me over, and my theory

is not legal, right?"

Stepped forward, hand draped over pork yellow, squint fiercely staring Yang Zhiming.

"One day I caught you will handle it!"

"Whatever!" Yang Zhiming ,help, the oriole, very proud.

,d See a look of melancholy to Mr Chen.

"This is not a general smell of gunpowder ... ... strong ... ..."

Leaves in the forest under the leadership of a few people came to ask if the Chamber room.

Little space, the wall is only shallow layer of white paint brush, a rectangular wooden table covered with red cloth, placed on both sides of each of six plastic

chairs, the room is the middle of a clover to the roaring fans forward.

Wall, a tightly locked behind bars.

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