Thursday, February 24, 2011

2010 Guangzhou Asian Games front

2009 the end custom belts of every years, Guo is clear and bright to get into Chinese people is university to study, starts wholesale belt buckle "is infinite to expect" resting whole.In 9 the end of the months, 2010 Guangzhou Asian Games front, Chinese Yong helps announcement of lately dive brigade concentration training list in, Guo clear and bright name still impressively in the row, but she was finally absent Asian Games.
Week after red say, "rest the whole this period of time at clear and bright Guo in, we have been just carrying on communication and exchanges with her, until at the end of last year, she definitely wide belts meant to no longer want to take part in training and game."
Week after red also say, Guo is clear and bright at fade out to dive of this year several times in, have been being studying English, and continue to complete studies in the university.She studies language in England before segment time, can already write mail and hair message in English now.

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