Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Currently, China's real estate credit risk in the end be

Currently, China's real estate credit risk in the end be? CBRC latest stress test summary data show that 30% drop christian louboutin in house prices, interest rates rose 108 basis points under the premise of real estate non-performing loans sample bank rate rose 2.2%, pre-tax profits drop 20%, 46 rural commercial banks non-performing rate will rise 3.5% increase in loan loss rate of 30%. If the real estate christian louboutin shoes associated with the degree with the three major industries such as steel, cement, building materials industry to do the pressure test,christian louboutin sale then the sample real estate non-performing loan rate of banks could rise. This is regulators concerned about the credit risk of real estate basic conclusion.
alone will be able to clarify the risks of this test? before the U.S. subprime mortgage crisis from subprime loans accounted for the proportion of individual mortgage loans and financial institutions such as the individual's qualifications, can not see the crisis, but the financial crisis finally broke out. In other words, the credit risk in financial markets not only in individuals with different financial institutions, greater manifested in the financial system, the fundamental flaw is due to the financial system, the inherent fragility of financial institutions, financial regulators and market players incomplete irrationality. Therefore, the domestic real estate credit risk measurement not only in their individual observation and testing, should also be concerned about the systemic risks of real estate credit markets is very high.
from the most recent data, although the growth rate mortgage has dropped slightly, but the growth rate remains high. in the first half of real estate development loans Added 442.3 billion yuan, up by 6 at the end of the balance of 26.1%; first half of the additional 932.3 billion yuan loans to individual buyers, an increase of 6 at the end of the balance of 49.6%. real estate commercial loans accounted for more than 21% share of total loans. In other words, domestic commercial real estate loans, whether mortgages or personal loans to real estate developers, has not issued with substantial reduction in the country 10. but real estate speculation by the 2009, mainly in the first-tier cities, second and third line into the city now, even transferred to the county.

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