Sunday, September 19, 2010

great encouragement

great encouragement, we are not afraid of hard not afraid of giving full play to tired of continuous fighting, fraternity, unity and fighting spirit. all those rainy nights are lying sub-humid land covered, covered with wet quilt, tied the trouser legs, or suffer from insect bites, tired dream sank, and sometimes there is no condition to eat during the day, it can only use cold water bubble instant noodles to feed their families. muggy weather, coupled with insect bite dermatitis sweat itch, can not stop us from walking in the troubled firm dirt roads, could
christian louboutin not recall the number of miles traveled, the number of planted sweat. When we tired to drag the heavy legs and swollen return to CDC headquarters, they were still fighting tenaciously maintained. in days of the disaster areas to support the work of a group of Comrade Jiang week, two groups on behalf of the Harbour christian louboutin shoes Heights, Wu Minghao comrades, though not from the medical department, still with their remarkable talent and perseverance to complete the work;
leader Comrade suffering Gong Lin disc disease, with a waist still insist in the end, fail in their mission, Mo Moqie field christian louboutin sale completed their task. Zhou Jiang, on behalf of the Haifeng, Wu Minghao old comrades of Comrade fully sick show concern, love and friendship of comrades, it is worth praise. hospital staff should hit the little red heart chief physician, when informed that we are going to first-line relief, the specially sent three boxes of , CDC quarantine officers in the hands, and we follow her wishes them transferred to the Armed Police Force and the CDC Yingxiu the hands of front-line comrades, sent to the front line are most needed, and gained her the love that the people in disaster areas.

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